Choosing ProprioEnquête®’s pre-rental screenings ensures you to get the most complete report on your prospective tenant:
– Several dozen variables are analyzed and provided in an instant credit report, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
– Exclusive and advanced credit indicators, giving you a complete picture of your applicant’s financial situation.
– Rental and employment references performed by a trained and experienced team through a rigorous methodology. For example, we always look at the information provided by your candidate to detect false references.
– A complete and thorough verification of judicial, civil, and criminal cases.
– A team of court runners present at the Tribunal administratif du logement (TAL) to provide you with all the cases concerning your applicant.
For more information on our pre-rental screenings, please visit ProprioEnquête® or contact us at 1-800-548-1921 or at
Other questions
Why Did Proprioenquête® Not Accept My Applicant’s Address?
How To Pay With CORPIQ Points?
How Do I Use My CORPIQ Dollars To My Screenings?
Can I Ask My Candidate To Pay For A Credit Check?
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How To Add An Apartment I Wish To Rent?
How Can I Upload my Rental Application Without Scanning?