A landlord has the right to refuse a tenant for reasons such as lack of solvency. However, in order to obtain additional protections, a landlord may require the participation of a guarantor. This guarantor will be responsible for the performance of the lease obligations in the event of a default by the tenant.
The purpose of the pre-rental survey on the guarantor is to ensure that the guarantor is financially capable of meeting the potential costs. In short, it is about entering into a contract with a prospective tenant by ensuring that he or she is financially backed by a trustworthy person.
There are a few situations that may prompt a pre-rental survey on the surety. Usually, the bond is to remedy a lack of verifiable credit experience. It can also, with caution, remedy the presence of a poor credit record, a history of bad payment habits, or an insufficient or uncertain income. For example, consider the situation of a newcomer, an employee who is starting a job and is still on probation, or an entrepreneur whose income fluctuates from month to month. A security deposit investigation assures the landlord that, among other obligations, the rent will be paid in due form despite the financial risks of the prospective tenant.
ProprioEnquête® offers you the opportunity to conduct a screening and give you peace of mind.
Log in to your account now or become a member of CORPIQ to take advantage of this exclusive service!
Choosing CORPIQ’s ProprioEnquête® pre-rental screenings will ensure that you get the most complete report on your deposit:
- Several dozen variables analyzed and provided in an instant credit report, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
- Exclusive, advanced credit indicators that give you a complete picture of the guarantor’s financial situation.
- Rental and employment references carried out by a trained and experienced team, following a rigorous methodology. For example, we always check the information provided by the guarantor to detect false references.
- A complete and thorough verification of judicial, civil, and criminal cases.
- A team of forensic researchers on site at the TAL (Tribunal Administratif du Logement) to provide you with all the cases concerning your applicant.
If you still have questions or need additional information, contact our support department by email at support@corpiq.com. Our team will be happy to answer all your questions.